Begining of May,many Japanease can have one week holiday that is called "Golden Week".
Miyuki and Shinichi went to Sendai-city by car.
We stayed at Sendai-city, and we visited to Matsushima, Hiraizumi and Thono.
1st day, we went to Matsushima.
Matsushima is known as one of the three most scenic places in Japan,
where more than 260 isles can be seen in the bay.
Many sea gulls are flying with boart to get bird seed.
Ume no hana?
Hiraizumi Keibikei
Hiraizumi CHUSONJI
Thono, many folk stories handed down.
Above 2 pictures was took at KAPPA-BUCHI.
We saw many flowers, dandenlion and cherry blossoms.
Edited by Shinichi Satoh